
13 posts

Road Trip

Racers descending Ridge Ave.

My friend Brett, who works for SE Racing, hooked me and some friends up with passes to the Fuji tent – near the top of the Manayunk Wall. Brett sponsored us some bagels, drinks, t-shirts, and access to port-a-potties, a HUGE upgrade from last year’s experience (long story).

We made our traditional stop on Lemon Hill to watch the racers climb, and admire the variety of bikes and bike people.

After watching a few laps along East Reservoir Drive, a completely uninhabited section of the course where we collected the racers’ (free) water bottles, we made our way to the Art Museum and found a vendor giving away water ice – free. We also acquired some samples of Kraft “Begalfulls” which were awesome. And free.

We hung around the finish line area for the final laps then made our way back to the parking lot in Manayunk. This was a fun, steady spin down car-free Kelly Drive. We looked for large, fit people to draft as long as possible. A few years ago we got DROPPED by some long-haired dude on a Sears FreeSpirit in cut-off jean shorts and sandals. We eventually caught him when he stopped at Starbucks. Damn those “DUI fit” guys.

A few more pics from the day…

First Mud

I finally got to ride my new Fisher HiFi on some decent trails and drew first mud. It was just like going back to grade school after summer vacation. You know, when you get that new pair of Chuck Taylor All Stars and you swear you can run faster.

HiFi’s first ride – Red Trail, Green Lane PA

I was cleaning obstacles on the first try; climbing as if a magnet was at the crest of the hill, drawing me up. I was zipping through singletrack like Luke Skywalker on a speeder bike in the Happy Grove1 on the Forest Moon of Endor.

1Star Wars reference found on Wookieepedia
I only wish I was nerd-enough to know that off of the top of my head.

Big-Oil Spindependence

I rode my bike to work today in observance of National Bike To Work Week. The 26 mile round trip gave me the chance to tell Big Oil that I’m not their biatch (today). The ride also gave me a chance to make some observations…

Big climb on Rt. 63, Green Lane, Pa.
  • People in cars are very courteous and respectful of cyclists on the morning commute. I experienced more aggression from the groundhog that almost bit my tire than I did from any drivers.
  • People in cars are very discourteous and disrespectful toward cyclists on their evening commute.
  • Dump trucks suck.
  • Pre-ride preparation makes all the difference. Bringing a change of clothing, packing a lunch, and making sure the bike is ready to go the day before the ride is a smart idea. Maybe next time I’ll remember to do that.
  • A half dozen road riders passed me, and let me draft for a few miles before turning off. It was a six pack even Ian MacKaye could love.